The caged System
A simple & effective approach to understanding how to play guitar professionally!
As a beginner learning how to play guitar, understanding the fret board on the guitar can be a difficult challenge.
Believe it or not, it doesn’t have to be.
By taking simple finger structures and mastering the initial basic open chords, you can use this across the entire guitar to master the guitar fretboard.
Learn not only how to play rhythm and chords, but also how to effectively solo over chords.
The basic, what we will call “forms” that need to be learned are the C A G E and D open chords.
Also, the f chord form, as made famous by Jimi Hendrix, but we will get back to this.
From these forms you can exercise a wide variety of chords across the entire fret board.

After mastering these basic forms, we will slowly move each form up the fretboard to express a different chord in the same form!
By using these forms, you can then add embellishments and inversions to further express your ability to play guitar!
See the video below on how to master the CAGED theory. From these forms, we can now further express our musicality through embelishments and variations!
Stay tuned!